Friday, February 8, 2008

Don't Stay Home!

I posted this over at

With Mitt Romney suspending his campaign, it is a foregone conclusion that John McCain will be the Republican Party's nominee for the Presidency. If your state's primary is on the horizon, DON'T STAY HOME. It is crucial that we not show McCain or the party acceptance through silence. If Conservatives want to have a voice in a McCain White House or the Republican Party in the future, we must stand tall and be heard. Go to your primary and vote for Fred Thompson. If you have to write him in, do so. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we unite together and stand firm before our party is lost to liberalism forever.

John McCain came out and made an effort at mending fences with Conservatives yesterday. To all Conservatives, I remind you of a familiar phrase from Ronald Reagan, "trust, but verify". Those words could never be more poignant. We failed to unite and rally around one Conservative who values our Constitution, Sovereignty and Freedom. We failed to promote a candidate who truely believes in Free Speech, Secure Borders, Constructionist Judges, and the cause of Federalism. But all is not lost.

If we make our voices heard in the rest of the state primaries, McCain or the party can not dismiss our common cause. The Reagan Revolution and the Conservative Movement are not dead! Make McCain need our support in November, and make him EARN it. When he is in the White House and supporting Conservative issues, we should be his greatest supporters. But when he fails us, we should be his strongest critics. On every issue, every policy, every nuance and every speech... we must make the Conservative position heard. The President and the party must be accountable. Then in 2010 and 2012 we can begin to take back the Party that has left us and the country that is becoming lost.

For the good of our Constitution and our Country, we must continue to fight. We can take our country back!

1 comment:

Christopher said...

I think that McCain isn't going to 'attack' the Demo's in any sort of way, he's been building too many friendships with them and he's practically crossing the nation holding hands with Joe Liberman.
I think that he is going to 'count' on the Conservatives to hitch up their wagon to his Straight Talk Bus and ride into the White House, rather then staying home and letting the Demo's take the Oval Office.

Lately on Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show he's putting more importance on the Conservatives into voting for Congressmen and Senators instead of worrying about who gets the White House because the Liberals are going to win it, either it being McCain or Clinton/Obama sitting in the chair.

For the time that I can I am going to learn about the races for the House and Senate Seats and support those with the most Conservative values, and just point out the 'wrongs' and 'broken promises' done by both the Demo's and McCain.