Saturday, January 26, 2008

Damned If You Do...

Dick Morris proposes a theory that it has been the Clinton strategy to lose South Carolina in a big way to the Black Vote. The Clinton's believe it will cause the White Vote to show up in later states to make sure the nomination process isn't decided by one race. Or something like that.

I don't normally put a lot of credence in Dick Morris' comments, but this one caught my attention. And sadly, I think he's right. Its politically genius but sadly pathetic.

By losing, the Clintons win. And if Hillary won, the Clintons win. The only one who can't win is Obama, who it appears actually did win.

If Barack wins South Carolina then the Clintons and the media will perpetuate the idea that South Carolina is a black state. Its a blip on the national radar in that it doesn't symbolize all of America... but more importantly it is a message to White America... come out and vote or you will let Black Americans hijack the process and control who your nominee is. Its insidious and you'll never hear the Clintons themselves say it... but listen to their surrogates on the cable news circuit... pay attention to the subext. Its sad.

If Barack were to lose South Carolina then the wheels have come off the campaign. If he couldn't even win with a majority black vote in South Carolina then how could he win nationally? How can you create a coalition of people crossing races, parties, and religions, when you can't even convince your own to vote your way?

The Clintons have created a scenario where Hillary can't lose in South Carolina. No matter what the outcome, by making race such an issue, they believe Hillary will be propelled into Super Tuesday. And either way, from here on out, this is a battle between the races in the Democratic Party... or that's what the Clintons hope.

But it could back fire. I often believe Americans don't pay attention and are blind... but they are not stupid. Try to manipulate the process too much and eventually the fascade will crack and Americans will start to see through. Could that happen to the Clintons? Could democrats finally start to see the Clinton desire for power and their nasty politics the way Republicans have for years? Is it possible that red-faced Bill has gone too far? I certainly hope so.

I'm no fan of Barack Obama, but the old motto of Anyone But Clinton holds true. Its not the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy America has to worry about, its the insidious politics and self-interested desire for power of a man named Bill... and his wife too.

Why We're Broken?

In the final stanza from Peggy Noonan's latest piece she says Rush stating a Huckabee or McCain nomination will destroy the Republican Party is nonsense, since its already been destroyed. Read it here:

On the pundit civil wars, Rush Limbaugh declared on the radio this week, "I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys [Mr. McCain or Mike Huckabee] get the nomination, it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it forever, be the end of it!"

This is absurd. George W. Bush destroyed the Republican Party, by which I mean he sundered it, broke its constituent pieces apart and set them against each other. He did this on spending, the size of government, war, the ability to prosecute war, immigration and other issues.

Were there other causes? Yes, of course. But there was an immediate and essential cause.

And this needs saying, because if you don't know what broke the elephant you can't put it together again. The party cannot re-find itself if it can't trace back the moment at which it became lost. It cannot heal an illness whose origin is kept obscure.

I believe that some of the ferocity of the pundit wars is due to a certain amount of self-censorship. It's not in human nature to enjoy self-censorship. The truth will out, like steam from a kettle. It hurts to say something you supported didn't work. I would know. But I would say of these men (why, in the continuing age of Bill Clinton, does the emoting come from the men?) who are fighting one another as they resist naming the cause for the fight: Sack up, get serious, define. That's the way to help.

She's also got some interesting insight to the potential effects of Bill Clinton's campaign for his wife, and what's going on with the elephants as well. As with everything penned by Ms. Noonan, the whole thing deserves a read.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

You Know What They Say About Making Assumptions...

Apparently Marie Lupe Cooley hadn't learned the lesson about assumptions yet. I bet she has now. (My commentary is in red)

When Marie Lupe Cooley, 41, of Jacksonville, Fla., saw a help-wanted ad in the newspaper for a position that looked suspiciously like her current job — and with her boss's phone number listed — she assumed she was about to be fired.

So, police say, she went to the architectural office where she works late Sunday night and erased 7 years' worth of drawings and blueprints, estimated to be worth $2.5 million.

Real Smart. You think you are about to be screwed by your boss, so you might as well screw him over first, right?

Police arrested Cooley Monday evening and charged her with causing greater than $1,000 damage to computer files, a felony. She was bailed out the following afternoon.

I want to know why she was bailed out. No job = no money for rent. No money for rent = no place to live. At least if she stayed in jail she would have a place to stay. Its not like anyone else is going to hire her now.

Hutchins [her boss] told one TV station he'd managed to recover all the files using an expensive data-recovery service.

Well, that's good. So other than an annoyance and unnecessary expense, she didn't really screw her boss afterall.

As for the job, Cooley originally wasn't in danger of losing it. The ad was for Hutchins' wife's company.

That's funny, but its not the best part. Read the last paragraph.

The firm told that Cooley no longer is employed there.

You think?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Must Read for FredHeads

Stopped by IMAO and found a link to this piece by Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review. As Frank J says, its a "must read for Fred Thompson supporters". I'd like to add that its a must read for anyone who is curious why so many of us so passionately wanted Fred Thompson as our next President. Finally, we had someone who gets it and who was above the typical political nonsense. The framers didn't intend for career politicians but rather citizen servants who spent their time in private life but served when called... citizen servants who knew it wasn't about them or their ambitions, but the country we so dearly love. Fred Thompson was and continues to be a citizen servant, and we all saw a bit of hope for him to return our country to its prior glory.

March for Life.

Seemingly lost among reports of a Fed rate cut, Fred Thompson's withdrawal and Heath Ledger's death was news of a march on Washington today. Michelle Malkin gets it right... had it been thousands of illegals or anti-war activists marching, I'm sure your cable news channel would have found time to talk about it. But the thousands marching were Pro-Life Activists... thus its utter silence from the MSM.

Today was the 35th Annual March for Life, where thousands of Pro-Life Activists took to the streets in Washington, DC to remind us of the travesty of Roe v. Wade. Its hard to believe its been 35 years. Its hard to fathom that this struggle has been going on since before I was born. Hopefully it will be a distant memory by the time I have children of my own.

Don't Blame Me, I Voted For FRED.

Don't Blame Me, I Voted For FRED
I saw some blog comments mentioning putting a bumper sticker like this on your own red trucks. I thought it was a great idea. So here you go.

It does bring up a serious question though. What are conservatives going to do? Are we going to stay home and not vote? Are we going to choose between the lessor of two evils? Are we going to choose the most conservative of the rest and try to influence them? Are we going to write-in Fred's name and hope to send a message to the party that seems to be leaving us?

Fred Thompson Statement

I haven't been able to find a copy of the statement, but I heard one of the talking heads on FoxNews read a piece of it. They must be overjoyed knowing they had a hand in controlling the process. I still plan on voting for Fred in the primary, although now it will be by write-in. I encourage other FredHeads out there to do the same. I might write-in his name in the general election too, we'll just have to see what happens between now and then.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Constitutional Ammendments Are Not The Answer.

Mike Huckabee has supported at least 3 different Constitutional Amendments during his campaign for the Presidency. He wants a Constitutional Amendment banning abortions, a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage, and lately a Constitutional Amendment denying citizenship to people who were born here if their parents are here illegally. He apparently also wants to change the 16th Amendment as its current form would prohibit his Fair Tax proposal.

Let me make clear that I agree that we should stop abortions and that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. I also think that our current tax code needs to be repealed and something like a flat tax or the Fair Tax ought to replace it.

But agreeing with the principles does not mean I agree with the idea of Constitutional Amendments whenever we see a societal ill that needs repair.

Our country was founded to be a group of independent states that were joined together by a common defense and a restrained federal government that was representative of each individual state to act on behalf of the whole. It was formed like a co-op of businesses who group together to gain greater bargaining power, improved trade ability, and increased protection from external forces.

As such, our Constitution was written to grant only a limited number of necessary powers to the federal government, retaining most of the powers and rights to each individual state. That is why our union is called the United States of America. Even in our name we proclaim the value and power of the individual state.

It is with that history and those principles of limited federal government in mind that while I support stopping abortion I reject the idea of proposing a Constitutional Amendment at this time to do so.

It is liberal idea to increase government powers and write new laws to regulate behavior. It is a liberal idea to legislate in order to prevent activity. It is a liberal mindset that thinks the answer to all ills is increased legislation and a reduction of state's powers and personal liberty.

Just because I agree with a principle doesn't mean I agree with the means. Suggesting Constitutional Amendments to correct every principle we hold dear will lead to an even stronger federal government and a weakening of states' rights. And what happens when our principles are in the minority? Once we have set a precedent to use Constitutional Amendments to correct everything we think is wrong... what happens when people we disagree with are in the majority and create their own Amendments to protect against us?

A true conservative does not suggest a Constitutional Amendment to solve every problem, because a true conservative is serious about limited government and reduced federal powers. No matter how bad Huckabee and others want to convince you otherwise, the term "conservative" means something, and a limited federal government is at its core. Its not lip service, and its not something that can be dismissed on a whim... limited government is the central ideal on how all issues should be addressed.

Its sad that Mike Huckabee himself and his surrogates have misrepresented Fred Thompson's view on abortion and same sex marriage because he holds to his conservative principles. Its even more sad the many people calling themselves conservatives didn't see right through it.

Fred Thompson wants to stop abortion, protect the traditional definition of marriage, secure our borders and fix our tax code. He just doesn't want to sacrifice his principles and our Constitution to do so.

Make no mistake, the liberal precedent of legislating every issue is what needs to be stopped. Just because we like the issue doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to the method. Anyone who doesn't consider that before suggesting changes to our laws or Constitution is no conservative.

Fred Thompson is the only conservative in the Presidential race tonight. I pray that statement holds true tomorrow. The others remaining are unacceptable on the premise of conservatism and unworthy of our nation's highest post. And if we lose candidate Fred Thompson tomorrow because of this money and media controlled process, than it is Conservatives and our Constitution that have truly lost.

Having a Dream.

You think Hillary is kicking Bill for this tonight??

The Few. The Proud.

Michelle Malkin highlighted the new Marine Corps commercial that began appearing this week. I hadn't seen it yet, so I appreciate her pointing it out. Inspirational and moving is an understatement. Its one more reminder of how thankful we should be for their service and dedication to our freedom. Its one more reminder that they need our support.

God Bless America, and God Bless the United States Marine Corps.

If you remember there was some controversy making this ad because the powers that be in San Fransisco refused to let the Marines film there. Fortunately ingenuity on the Corps part allowed them to make the commercial they wanted despite of San Fransisco's resistance.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Familiar Territory.

Stevan Stevlic posted this today on

Here is another reason for Fred to stay in through the convention. In the election of 1860 the candidate that was fourth (fyi that’s worse than third) in delegate count became the nominee. He only won one state going into the convention, his own home state. He won at the convention because he was the only candidate that was acceptable to all the wings of the party. That candidate was Abraham Lincoln.

Granted Lincoln didn't have to deal with the MSM.

Conservatives, Its Time to Speak Up,

Mark Levin has written a wonderful piece about John McCain and why Conservatives need to speak up now. Below is an excerpt, read the whole thing here.

There are other reasons to speak out now, and loudly, against a McCain candidacy — before it is too late for the movement and the party. Do we conservatives believe in the Constitution or not? Do we believe in as much open political speech as possible or not? The McCain supporters rightly point out that free speech has never been a pure principle. But wild swings of change, aimed at empowering the federal government (or more particularly, incumbent politicians) against citizen activism prior to an election, is exceedingly imprudent. And prudence is a hallmark of conservative thought, or at least used to be. McCain-Feingold is without question the greatest assault on free political speech since Buckley v. Valeo, and is far more draconian. And, once again, McCain’s rhetoric as its leading advocate was dishonest. He repeatedly used the word “corruption” to describe those “forces” who aligned against his effort. As with Rumsfeld, he targeted a member of the Federal Election Commission, Bradley Smith, for disdain and worse. McCain filed a brief in the Supreme Court with several Democrats against the Wisconsin Right to Life organization challenging its right to run informative ads prior to an election. Wisconsin Right to Life won. Ironically, as best I can tell, this is the most aggressive action he has taken in all his years in Washington on the right-to-life issue, which probably explains why the vast majority of these groups have endorsed other candidates. The point is that McCain’s easy disregard of first principles, in this case political speech, runs deep with many conservatives and is not easily downplayed. (And the fact that President Bush signed the bill is no justification.)

Much has been written about the three legs of the conservative movement and how Mike Huckabee’s campaign has resonated with the family-values folks. Well, he doesn’t appear to have won over a majority of those voters. But I’ll leave that for another day. Much has been written about the national-security leg of the movement, including by VDH (albeit with its selective attention to aspects of the McCain record). But not enough attention is given to the economic leg, which has much to be concerned about in McCain. Some define McCain’s as a spending hawk for his efforts in ending earmarks and opposition to certain spending programs. But the McCain record is much more than that. As mentioned earlier, the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill was among the most irresponsible and reckless budgetary and economic legislative efforts of all time. Moreover, McCain has repeatedly demanded that federal power be used to tame perfectly legitimate private enterprises, from energy and pharmaceutical companies, to media companies and anything else he considers “corrupt” or “the enemy” or what have you. And as I first noted here, McCain’s claim during recent debates that he opposed the 2001/2003 Bush tax cuts because Congress refused to cut spending is highly misleading. Time and again McCain resorted to class warfare propaganda, asserting that he opposed the tax cuts because they “favored the rich.” He has embraced the same approach in the McCain-Kennedy-Edwards bill, a phony “patients’ bill of rights” that would essentially empower further the trial bar to sue insurance companies and other businesses involved in the provision of health care, including employers. And his “re-importation” of drugs position, which he claims will reduce the cost of prescriptions in our country, comes straight from Hillary Clinton’s heath-care task force. He would drive much needed research and development from those American companies that are inventing and producing most of the world’s life-saving and life-extending drugs.

McCain’s position on the environment is every bit as radical as any of the most liberal Democrats in the Senate. He would empower the federal government to regulate and tax the private sector in ways that it has never before. He is convinced that man is responsible for global warming, such as it is, and consequently the federal government must act to control man. McCain has proposed everything from a massive database of carbon emitters, capping carbon emissions, trading carbon emissions, taxing carbon emissions, and so forth. Of course, like most big-government politicians, little concern is paid to the Constitution or economic outcomes, including forcing more smoke-stack industries and their jobs offshore.

Has The Red Truck Been Parked?

I'm concerned. I just popped by and the Red Truck is gone from the front page. With the calls for donations not as pronounced on the front page, is the only worthy man in the race actually calling it quits? I hope not. I sincerely hope not.

If Fred decides to hang it up, then I fear all is lost and the Reagan Coalition that has been talked about so much in recent weeks is truly dead. There is no one left to carry the mantle for true Conservatives in 2008. No one left worth fighting for who will fight for us.

Its sad. If Fred is gone then the win goes to the media and the liberals. We've let them dictate what's relevant. We've let them decide what's important. We've let them control the debate and alter the original intent of our democracy. Friends, we have had one man in the race, Fred Thompson, who stands for what the framers stood for and if yesterday was his last stand than we have all let him and our country down.

With Duncan Hunter gone and now possibly Fred, the only people left are liberals verging on socialism, and liberals disguised as republicans. Either way, our country and its greatness are in peril. Never before have our ideals been challenged on so many fronts. From the war on terror, to socialized health care, to abortion, gun control, an overwhelming tax system, illegal immigration, an overbearing government, attacks on the institutions of family and marriage, the economy, and a collapsing federalist system... we are at a crossroads on multiple fronts.

Obama and the democrats are right... we do need change, but not the kind they are proposing. We don't need to continue to venture down the dismal path of socialist propaganda, populist policies, or government theft of wealth, loss of responsibility and hope. What we need is to return to the ideals of which our country was founded: limited government, self-determination, personal responsibility, local governance, the rule of law, and inalienable rights as given by God All Mighty. Unfortunately, if Fred is gone, there will be no one left in the race who believes any of that.

The remaining choice will be between wolves or wolves in sheep's clothing. Either way we've lost.

I pray today as I did yesterday and the day before... let a good man help take this country back in the direction it needs. Let us elect someone who can face our challenges on all fronts and bring us from the brink of societal collapse. Fred Thompson is the only man with the courage, character, consistency, and commitment to bring us there. I hate that we might have lost our chance.

Fred, please stay in the race. We need you.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Do People Still Listen to Clinton Lunacy?

It all started on the Today show when the Monica Lewinsky story was in full force. Hillary started bemoaning the Republican attack machines and "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". Paranoia, lunacy, or calculated fear mongering? I'm not sure if its one or all three, but its definitely the way the Clinton's approach politics. They manufacture stories that everyone is out to get them and hope playing the victim will win a few votes. Meanwhile they play dirty politics like no other.

The "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" remark wasn't the first of this ridiculous statements, but it is that conversation that made their paranoid brand of reflective attack politics apparent to the sane majority. Its continued to this day and has transcended from Bill's time in office to Hillary's current run for the White House. First we were all sexist if we couldn't support her... then she tries to take the high road and sheds a tear due to her unequaled concern for our country while her henchmen sling mud at anyone who stands in their way.

The latest example of this is Bill Clinton's cries of voter intimidation that he supposedly witnesses first hand. Yeah Right. If you honestly believe someone threatened a union worker within earshot of Bill Clinton and Chelsea, you are certifiably insane. There is no way someone is smart enough to change an employees shift to prevent them from voting the wrong way and dumb enough to make the threat in front of Bill. Please.

Of course Bill's whining doesn't stop there. He's actually crying about supposed ads that are encouraging republicans to vote for Obama in the primary even though they will likely vote republican in November. Funny, I don't remember Bill coming out complaining when Daily Kos encouraged dems to vote for Romney to screw with the Republican Primary in Michigan. In fact I've never heard this former President complain about anything that doesn't work to his advantage. Yet some union is not endorsing his wife, and the lawsuits and whining begin.

I wish the Clinton's would take their fake conspiracies and phony tears and retire to the lecture circuit and eventual obsolescence. Its time their paranoid attack machine stopped hindering America's democracy or greatness. In the words of your most famous attack machine... Move On.

I know its cold, but get out and vote South Carolina, we need you...

and here are the words of a man worthy of your vote.

“The Founding Fathers had it right from the very beginning,” Thompson said. “The wisdom of the ages, the fact that our basic rights come from God and not from government, the notion that a government big enough and powerful enough to give you anything is big enough and powerful enough to take anything away from you…respect for the rule of law…the institution of the market economy…[the belief] that if a person earned a dollar, that dollar belonged in the person’s pocket…” Those should be our guiding principles, he said.

“We’re having a little discussion in the party nowadays about what that means for the future,” Thompson told the crowd. “Some people think we need to get away from the Reagan coalition, because it doesn’t exist any more.” The audience erupted into boos. “Some people seem to think that we need to be a little bit more what they called progressive…Well, I reject that concept with every fiber of my being.”

Fred Thompson on CNN

Thanks to Maritime Sentry for posting this video of Fred Thompson's appearance on CNN yesterday. Fred continues to call the media out and rise above the nonsense. He is, by far, the best candidate to lead this country forward.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The E-Mail I Just Sent to Huckabee's Campaign

When I first was inspired by Governor Huckabee I submitted this site to his blog roll. I let the campaign and my visitors know that I was not decided on Governor Huckabee but was leaning his way. They not only included me, but mentioned American Elephant on Huckabee's blog. I was honored at the time and a bit humbled. It said a lot to me about a campaign that would include someone who wasn't in the bag, but was publicly on the fence and critical of Huckabee and was openly still deciding on a candidate.

Times have changed. The more I have learned the more I have backed away. I announced my decision to fully support Fred Thompson on January 3rd. But my change has gone even further. I have not just chosen the better of two candidates.... I am fully committed to one and feel betrayed by the other. It is with that sentiment that I sent the following letter to the Huckabee campaign, asking for them to remove American Elephant from their blogroll. I have never hidden my struggle with choosing a candidate, and I was admittedly very pleased when the Huckabee campaign linked to this blog. Therefore I find it only appropriate to also publicly display the e-mail I just sent their campaign asking to now be removed from that very blogroll.

Please remove my blog, American Elephant Blog ( from your Blogroll. I have been waffling about Governor Huckabee for a while, but his latest comments over the last few weeks have given me no choice but to completely withdraw my support. Governor Huckabee doesn't seem to stand on any of his principles (like another former Governor from Arkansas). I expect more from my Presidential candidate and from a Baptist Minister. Huckabee should be a beacon of character and principles, someone we can all be proud represents us. But his latest change on the Constitution as a living document, his intellectual inconsistency on illegal immigration, his change in stance on a national smoking ban, wanting to close Gitmo, etc all leave me unable to honestly support the man who does not have the strength to maintain his convictions.

I feel lied to and betrayed by the man who portrayed himself as a conservative Christian with principles. I don't question his faith but I do question his courage, character, conservatism and consistency. I can not support him for the Presidency and request that my link be removed from his blog roll.

Thank you.

American Elephant

I Agree: "Best. Campaign. Question. Ever."

Read the whole thing.

Buford Pusser in Washington. I can see that.

Will the real conservative please stand up?

If you have followed this blog, you have seen a metamorphosis from a man who struggled which of two candidates to support to a man who only believes in one. Those two candidates were Governor Mike Huckabee and Senator Fred Thompson. The later of the two has my utmost support to this day. The former has lost my support and is beginning to lose my respect.

I said that something about Governor Huckabee just didn't feel right... and the more I listened and learned about him the more uneasy I felt. That uneasiness has been gaining intensity as of late to the point that it has officially boiled over today. Instead of being the slightly lessor of two candidates, Governor Huckabee is now officially someone I could not and will not support. In a general election between him and one of the two democratic challengers I honestly don't know if I would hold my nose and vote for Mike or write in someone else. Governor Huckabee is not the conservative he claims he is... the more he talks the more he sounds like another former Arkansas Governor who changed his message based on his audience and polling data. I have no respect for someone who is running for office and has no consistency in their principles. As a Baptist minister I never thought that could be applied to Mike Huckabee... but today he proved there is no doubt... consistency is not in his vocabulary.

Today on CNN, Governor Huckabee said that the Constitution was a "living, breathing document" (about 3:55 into the video).

While on his campaign website, Governor Huckabee completely disagrees.
I firmly believe that the Constitution must be interpreted according to its original meaning, and flatly reject the notion of a “living Constitution.”
Calling the Constitution a "living" document is liberal-speak for saying that it can be changed, modified or adopted to reflect polls or public opinion. Calling it a "living" document makes way for activist judges to interpret the Constitution as they see fit instead of being "faithful adherents of originalism and textualism." (also a quote from Mike Huckabee's website that contradicts his CNN interview today).

Make no mistake, the "living" document argument is what liberals use to justify abandoning the second amendment... certainly the framers didn't anticipate semi-automatic weapons. The "living" document argument is what liberals use to justify abortion... certainly the framers weren't thinking about abortion when the guaranteed the protection of "life" and "liberty".

Thankfully there is a true conservative in the race today who believes in conservative principles and desires to uphold the original context of the Constitution. Thankfully, real conservatives have a choice. Fred Thompson is the only man in the race who believes in the strength of the Constitution and the guarantees within it. Fred Thompson will protect the Constitution and its ideals of limited government and appoint judges who will do the same. Fred wrote today:

I do not believe the Constitution is a living, breathing document. I am committed to appointing strict constructionist judges to the bench if I am elected President, strict constructionists who believe the Constitution has a fixed meaning that can be applied to cases that come before the courts today. They do NOT believe the Constitution is a “living, breathing document,” whose meaning, constantly changing with the sifting sands of our culture, can be determined and applied by unelected judges.

I fear that this loose language about our Constitution calls into question Governor Huckabee’s appreciation and understanding of the issue of judicial activism and raises questions as to what kind of judges he would appoint were he to become President.

We can not afford to have another Arkansas Governor in the White House who has no core principles and neither can our Constitution. Baptist Minister or not, Governor Huckabee is continuing to prove my uneasiness was right and that he is not the right man to become our President.

Conservatives have a choice. Someone who will fight to stop abortion and protect the Constitution from liberal activist re-writes. Support Fred Thompson, thankfully there is one consistent conservative to stand with us.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mike Huckabee Flips For Fred!

It is no secret that Governor Huckabee supports a federal smoking ban... or at least he did. He said so publicly this past August at an event with Lance Armstrong moderated by Chris Matthews. And he gleefully signed legislation in Arkansas banning smoking in indoor spaces. Just read this quote from 2007:
As a governor, I led our state to become the first state in the South to have a statewide ban on smoking anywhere indoors and I’m proud of that and it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to get done,” Huckabee said. “It was hard. And I’ll tell you something, Chris, it takes the personal involvement of the chief executive to make that happen,” he said.
Fred Thompson has been hitting Huckabee hard on this issue because it falls in stark contrast with his limited federal government ideals (i.e. Federalism). At best this is a state issue, the federal government has more important things to deal with than enacting or enforcing smoking bans.

And apparently Governor Huckabee now agrees. Taking a page out of John Kerry's book, Governor Huckabee has flip-flopped on this issue and now calls it an issue for individual states to decide. Like the rest of America, it sounds like Governor Huckabee is coming over to Fred's way of thinking.

I don't disagree that smoking is a health hazard, but I really don't want the Federal government or even the state government involved in any ban. Its not their place. Local governments have the right and the duty to pass laws the fit their township. If my city or county wants to ban smoking in restaurants or all public places, that's fine. Let's let the Federal Government worry about what the Federal Government should be worrying about... and that's not the Capitol's cafeteria menu... the Federal Government should be concerned with securing our sovereignty and protecting our God given rights. Anything else is an abuse of power.

I'm glad Governor Huckabee is now starting to see things our way. Congratulations on joining the rest of right-thinking Americans and Flipping For Fred!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Results Are In: The GOP Race is Wide-Open

Fred Thompson's Campaign Manager, Bill Lacy, released this statement following the Michigan Primary. I'm glad he has the guts to articulate what many conservatives are feeling. We need to make the differences clear, if you pay attention only one man in this race is consistent with their ideals. Don't we need someone like that in Washington?

Bill Lacy's Statement:

Tonight’s results in Michigan make two things clear: First, the Republican campaign for President remains wide-open. Our party faithful are still looking for someone who meets all the qualifications they seek: A true consistent conservative with the experience to keep the country safe. Second, Mike Huckabee’s campaign to be John McCain’s Vice President has hit a snag. He has gone from the mid-thirties in Iowa to 11% in New Hampshire and now about 15% in Michigan.

On higher taxes and looser immigration, Huckabee has been done his best these past few weeks to mimic McCain. But this is nothing new. In fact, while John McCain was leading the Senate charge to grant amnesty for illegal immigrants, Mike Huckabee was one of the loudest cheerleaders. And at the same time McCain was voting against the Bush tax cuts, Huckabee was in Arkansas increasing taxes some 21 times.

As for Mitt Romney, he has been all over the map on virtually every issue important to conservative voters.

As the contest moves to South Carolina, look for Romney, McCain and Huckabee to face serious questions about their commitment to consistent conservative principles. Their records are in stark contrast to Fred Thompson, who remains the one true steadfast conservative in this race.

The bottom line is that tonight is a whole new ball game and tomorrow morning begins a brand new campaign where Republicans are looking for the clear conservative choice.

Have You Flipped For Fred?

Are you like me and scores of other Right-Leaning Americans who were leaning towards one candidate before realizing that Fred Thompson was the only true conservative in the field? My neighbors to the South are starting to realize that Fred Thompson is the best man for the job with a consistent message, sound policies, and strong resolve. How about you?

Visit the Fred File to see South Carolinians who have Flipped For Fred.

Always Conservative

Fred Thompson, Aways Conservative. Watch the video.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The FoxNews Focus Group

The FoxNews focus group tonight overwhelming thought Fred Thompson won the debate tonight. I agree, but that is about all we agree on. Then many of them went on to question Fred Thompson's consistency. What? Obviously these people haven't been paying attention. Hopefully they'll get a chance to see Senator Fred and the red truck in South Carolina and do a bit of research on their own. Fred Thompson's message and ideals have been consistent throughout his career. No one else on the stage can say that. Huckabee on Illegal Immigration? Giuliani on gun control? McCain on many things? Romney on everything? The only person who has a consistent record and whose policies are intellectually consistent is Fred Thompson. Period.

Electing the President is an important privilege of living in a democracy and we have a duty to make an informed decision. An informed decision. I hope this debate will prompt the focus group folks and many others to look into Fred's record, views, and his policies. When everyone was making sound bytes months ago, Fred had clear policies. Fred has experience, strength, courage, and character. And he is a true conservative. Can anyone else on the stage actually say that? No.

Hands Down: Fred Thompson Wins SC Debate.

As I watched the debate tonight I felt Fred Thompson commanded this debate. He always rises above and seems much more professional than the rest... he was a bit more antagonistic this time than he has in past debates, but obviously that resonated with voters. Apparently voters agree, at least according the FoxNews' focus group with Frank Luntz.

Go Fred!

I spent the first 30-45 minutes of the debate talking with my wife who is out of town on business tonight, so I'm going to watch it again before giving any detailed commentary... but I was very pleased with that I saw.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Gibbs for President.

Most often, the more you learn about someone the less impressive they become. The theory is that everyone has skeletons in their closet, blemishes on their face, and puts their pants on one leg at a time. But then you learn about someone like Joe Gibbs, who is completely contradictory to the rule above.

I have never had the pleasure of meeting Coach Gibbs, but if he ever does a lecture circuit or anything public in the triangle, I'll be there. If I thought I'd get a chance to talk to him at a NASCAR event, you can bet I would attend my first one. Sadly, we won't see him coaching on the Redskins sidelines any more.

You won't find a better class act or better coach. You can listen as intently as you want, but you won't find anyone who knows him saying a bad thing about him. There has been the usual second-guessing of his calls, time-management (or timeouts) like most coaches... but then everyone goes on to praise him for his leadership, devotion, and humility. Look a little deeper and you'll find a grandfather proud of his "grandbabbies" and an owner who gives out testimonials and has witnessed to people at his NASCAR facility.

When Redskins' Safety Sean Taylor was killed this year, I couldn't help but think how awesome it was that Joe Gibbs was at the helm, surely God had a hand in him being there. And what seemed like a lost season and a year full of tragedy and sadness, Joe Gibbs led to one of triumph and respect. They didn't make it past the first round of the playoffs, but the Washington Redskins became the class of the league this year... a fitting contrast to the Patriots cheating scandal and the Michael Vick dog-fighting case that started the season.

Coach Gibbs said this was his toughest year as a coach, and I don't doubt it. From injuries, to botched calls, a player's untimely death, and illness in his family... Joe Gibbs had a lot to deal with. A lessor man could have given up or changed. But Gibbs kept his perspective, kept his faith, and kept his focus. And all of us who got to watch from the sidelines are better for it.

For a second time, Washington has lost its greatest coach and its greatest champion. While I respect Coach Gibbs' need to move on and take care of what's important, I'm certainly sad to see him go. A great coach may walk the Redskins sidelines again next year, but our hero will be gone.

New Hampshire

Sports fans across the country stayed up to watch the LSU Tigers deny the Ohio State Buckeyes the national title (OSU also made it to the Championship game last year only to lose to Florida). While a large number of us were debating the BCS system and LSU's two losses this season... the political machine in New Hampshire was entering its fourth quarter. At midnight the first votes were cast, and this very important and historic primary officially began.

There are many assumptions of how today is going to turn out, but a couple things seem clear... Obama is likely to increase his shot at the Democratic nomination, while the Republican field continues to be wide open (contrary to media portrayals).

This whole dance is interesting if a bit disturbing.

Hillary teared up yesterday as she expressed her "heartfelt" desire to protect the country with her ideas of socialism. We always knew when Bill was being fake, he'd bite that bottom lip... but Hillary is a bit more varied. Sometimes she'll act like its her lone fight against the evil Republicans, sometimes she'll change her accent to placate an audience, and now she'll feign tears to get the vote. If the nomination doesn't work out at least we know she'll fit right in with her actor friends in Hollywood.

Watching Hillary doesn't stop being amusing there. She apparently lost her mantle as the heir-apparent, at least with the media who have been comparing Barack Obama with John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (insert audio track: I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine, You Sir are no Jack Kennedy) The Clinton Campaign hasn't taken that lightly and has began attacking against the crowning of OBama by the media and these larger than life comparisons.

Hillary watching isn't the only thing that is a bit interesting and unsettling as of late. Just consider the coverage of the GOP field. The media (Fox News included) seem to act like the race is almost over yet by every poll the only thing certain is that the field is wide open. Fred Thompson had a better showing than anticipated in Iowa yet he is completely dismissed. He also had delegates in Wyoming which some of the "front runners" did not... but where is the coverage of that? Huckabee is still high in almost every poll, yet his winning of the Iowa Caucus is treated as more of a fluke than a victory. Romney is fighting for his life... the media seem to get this right... but considering how no one has swooped in to take clear front-runner status... I don't believe his fight is over. McCain was all but counted out a few months back and now the media is trying to give the crown back to him. And Giuliani, virtually invisible as of late, is promising a strong showing in Florida and other Super-Tuesday states. Ladies and Gentlemen, the field is WIDE OPEN, don't let the media dictate otherwise. Polls, pundants, and the resulting groupthink should not dictate who the GOP nominee is. Policies, character and results should.

Ahhh... it should be an interesting day... this thing is only just beginning.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Significant Event?

At least once every five minutes some commentator mentions how significant it is for a black man to win the Iowa Caucus for the democrats. And that's on Fox News.

It is historic, but how significant is it really? Maybe its the perception of my red state glasses, but before you crown him king for such a monumental feat shouldn't the accomplishment be weighed against the competition? Yes an African American man has won the first caucus of the 2008 election, but against who? A former first-lady who is loathed at an almost 3 to 1 margin and claims her experience as wife makes her the perfect Commander-in-Chief, and a former ambulance chasing trial lawyer with a $400 haircut.

Maybe my disgust for Hillary and Edwards is blinding me from seeing the real achievement?

I don't want to discredit Obama at all, but he didn't win an open race on his own. Obama was propelled by an anti-Hillary sentiment and the lack of an alternative choice. To put it plainly, in an open field in a general election, I don't believe Obama gets more than a third of the Iowa vote.

Congratulations to Barack Obama on the win. There is no question that we have come far as a nation when a black man is probably the front runner for the democratic nomination. I think its great, but lets not make more out of it than it is. When he racks up three or four more primaries (which he probably will) then it will be a significant statement. If he get the nomination it will be an even greater statement. And if he wins the election, it would be a clear signal that broadscale racism is virtually dead. But the whole horse race is left, we've only just cleared the gates.

The Man Can Give A Speech.

Congrats to Barack Obama tonight. I just watched his victory speech, and I've got to give it to him, he can deliver a speech and carry an audience. I know its easier when you've won... but I was much more impressed with Obama's speech than tonight's other winner, Mike Huckabee. Granted I didn't agree with anything Obama said, but as an orator and politician, he does have something special.

Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" as a closing song? Nice touch.

Iowa Results & Clinton Reality Distortion

I worked from the laptop while taking in the Iowa results from my periphery. The Huckabee win is not a surprise, but the margin might be. Same goes for Obama's win for the donkeys. I'm also not surprised by Fred Thompson's third (or maybe fourth) place finish... that's been expected for a while. The only thing that did surprise me tonight was something that also shouldn't have. Hillary's post-caucus speech was just another moment of the Clinton-Cameleon effect... something her husband perfected in the White House. When you've been beaten, take on the mantle of the victor, claiming the cause and the win as your own. Her husband was a master of that, and she certainly can claim she learned that from him, even if her other "experience" is questionable. It does sit a bit disingenuous when someone claims experience and 35 years of politics (yes that is the number she used) yet claims to be the agent of change. But whatever, the Clintons continue to live in their own private reality.

And So It Begins... The Choice is Clear.

If you are a political junkie, your adrenaline has been ratcheted up a notch and you probably found a way to watch the news at your desk. If you are like me, you've recently moved away from your desk, because the tv mounted to the wall is too distracting. I can't exactly remove it, so I might as well remove me (or so the theory goes).

In a time where my industry is less than pleasant, politics generally provides a welcome diversion. Diversions don't pay the bills. So while I'll rant for a bit here, I can't exactly give up the day job.

And now that Iowa is upon us, I've finally made a choice. Not a bit too soon either (I should have made it some time ago honestly). Fred Thompson is my guy, no question. If you have been keeping score, I've been waffling between Fred and Mike Huckabee for months. As a Christian, when I look at America today I can't help but lean towards the Southern Baptist minister whose monologues remind me of one of those invigorating Sundays in church. When a fire & brimstone sermon is moving, challenging, and a bit funny... you know its a good afternoon. But once you get past Huckabee's Christian foundation, what's left? Sadly, something a bit too liberal to coincide with my Christian Conservative convictions.

You see, we agree on abortion and most social issues. But time and time again, Governor Huckabee walks a fine line between Christian Values and Liberal Propaganda. And on Meet the Press this weekend he seemed to want to placate and play politics a bit more than he wanted to stand fast in his beliefs. I found myself yelling at the TV... and while he didn't fully back down from his beliefs, he did seem to side step a bit. That's not what I want in my pastor and its not what I want in my President.

Only one man has been consistent on message and has said what needed to be said, politics be damned. Is it odd that the man who has proven to be true to his convictions is the actor and not the pastor in the race? To me that's very telling.

I like Governor Huckabee. And while I'd enjoy having a glass of sweet tea and discussing the news with him, he is not the consistent conservative voice that can lead us forward. That man is Fred Thompson.

Fred doesn't back down from a fight, doesn't placate voters or change his message based on his audience. Fred doesn't take cheap political shots by showing an attack ad that he's decided not to run. His accent doesn't change based on his audience and his policies don't change based on polls. Fred Thompson is the one man in the race who can take on the tough issues, cut the fat in Washington, and bring us into a better tomorrow while making us stronger in the process. From illegal immigration to taxes and national security, Fred has the most detailed and best conceived plans and he put them out in a time when everyone else just had platitudes and sound bytes.

Strong. Consistent. Conservative. The answer is clear. Fred Thompson is the best choice for America.

Fred Thompson's Message To Iowa

I'm not sure how you can be a conservative and not vote for this guy. I would be. Based on the polls, an Iowa victory might be a long shot, but its not too late for a good showing. If the embedded video below doesn't show up, click here to watch the video.