Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Lesson from High School

In high school, whenever anyone showed even a hint of the sniffles, my football coach would stop practice and tell everyone to take Alka Seltzer Cold Plus when we got home. From October until seasons' end, I heard him preach this medicine as much as "playing until the whistle blows" and the few choices of profanity he tossed our way. Stay low on your blocks, hit hard, and take that darn Alka Seltzer Cold Plus when you get home!

Its funny. Most people talk of learning team work or never giving up when they remember the sports they played years ago. Not me. Other than memories of a sore back and the State Championship that almost was, I remember the chalky taste of those fizzy little tablets that make me cringe like a shot of cheap tequila.

Since Friday I've had the sniffles and a sore throat. It morphed over the weekend as I had obligations to fulfill, and by Monday afternoon I was downright sick. And while I remembered early about my old coach's mantra... we didn't have any at the house, and I lied to myself about its necessity. Luckily my wife knows better and yesterday she purchased a pharmacy full of medicine for me, including trusty Alka Seltzer cold plus.

It might have run its course anyway... who knows, but 24 hours later I'm doing remarkably better. Now I've got some work, some chores, some correspondence, and a blog to catch up on. And a promise... we shall never run out of Alka Seltzer Cold Plus again.

1 comment:

SR said...

Isn't it funny how something, because of a memory, can make you feel better? For me it is 7up for stomach aches, my mother always gave it to us when we had upset stomachs and now today when someone in my family has a stomach ache I have to make a trip to the store to buy a couple of 2 liters.