Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Three Badasses, One Candidate

What do a Texas Ranger, a Rocker, and a Wrestler have in common? They all support Mike Huckabee for President. I can't even imagine Chuck Norris, Ted Nugent, Ric Flair and Mike Huckabee all sitting around for a chat... but it sure would be interesting. Who said only liberals have the support of famous celebrities? I'd take Chuck, Ted or Ric over Sean Penn, Tim Robbins or George Clooney anyday.

If you haven't seen it yet, watch the Chuck Norris Approved Ad.

...and don't forget your t-shirt.


Will said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
American Elephant said...

Will, what happened to your comment?

I know what Ted Nugent has said about Hillary. Certainly he doesn't speak for Huckabee, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be thrilled to have Nugent's support.

I don't think the left wants to start judging its own candidates based on the statements of the celebrities who support them... so lets try to afford the same courtesy to the right.

American Elephant said...

By the way, why did you delete your comment?