Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Time Shifted Debate Party

A month or so ago my wife asked me if I would go see My Fair Lady with her. A co-worker gave her tickets and she didn't want to turn them down. Sure, I thought... why not.


I wasn't. I didn't bother to look at the calendar or I would have known that the musical was Wednesday, November 28th, the same night as the Republican debate. It is my civic duty to watch the debate... how can I let some musical get in the way? Thanks to DVR and caffeine, I won't have to... I won't miss it, I'll just be late.

This musical better be good!


Will said...

I was thinking about driving across the bay to do some heckling, but they have St. Pete pretty well roped off around the venue. I was, however, invited to play football with the Romney brothers at a local park as part of a campaign event tomorrow. Haven't decided about that yet. Ron Paul is also supposed to make an appearance at an after-party.

Have fun at My Fair Lady!

American Elephant said...

For the first time I wish I was in Florida.