Friday, May 2, 2008

Anti-Obama T-Shirt of the Day: Reverened Wright & Candidate WRONG

Jeremiah Wright has said, among other things, G-D America, that the United States created the AIDS virus, that the United States wants to keep Africans and other poverty-stricken people down in order to maintain our superiority, that racism is how this country was founded and how it is still run, we only value black women for their bodies, that white Americans believe in black inferiority more than we believe in God. Immediately following September 11th, Rev. Wright sounded thankful saying the chickens had come home to roost. Reverend Wright has also praised anti-Semite and hate-monger Louis Farrakhan for his "lifetime of achievement".

And in case you were not aware, Reverend Wright was Barack Obama's "spiritual adviser" for nearly 20 years. Wright presided over Barack Obama's wedding. Wright baptized their children. Wright was Obama's "sounding board". The title of Barack Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope" came from one of Reverend Wright's sermons. Barack Obama publicly thanked Reverend Wright when he was elected to the Senate and has often sought his advice and counsel during his political campaigns. Barack Obama and his wife are members of Reverend Wright's church and have been for two decades.

Barack Obama's long-time "sounding board" and "spiritual adviser" make him too extreme for my state or our country. Reverend Wright was not just a casual associate of Barack Obama, he was a close personal adviser and confidant. His views are not the views of the United States of America and don't belong anywhere near our White House.

I don't care if Obama has tried to distance himself from Reverend Wright now because it is politically advantageous. After 20 years of being a "sounding board" and "spiritual adviser" and a member of Wright's church, its too late.

If my minister preached like that, I would get up and leave, and find another church. And if a friend preached hatred, anti-American sentiment, and racism while applauding antisemitism, they would not be my friend for long and certainly not my "spiritual adviser."

Would anyone consider a white candidate who was a member of the KKK or had a 20 year relationship with the Grand Wizard? Of course not. So why should Barack Obama or Reverend Wright be any different?

Reverend Wright means Barack Obama is Candidate WRONG. Vote for America and against the hype. Vote against Barack Obama. He's too extreme for America.


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