Friday, May 9, 2008

Empty Suit : Anti-Obama T-Shirt of the Day

Barack Obama Empty Suit

Our newest t-shirt design, Barack Obama: Empty Suit. I think that pretty much says it all. Rather fitting too, considering the latest postering regarding the Gas Tax. I would save about $90-$100 if we had a gas tax holiday over the summer. My brother would save close to $140. Would that make a difference in our households... absolutely. I'm not suggesting the oil companies pay the gas tax though. I say the government goes without it for a while. Millions of Americans across the country are having to tighten their belts and cut back because prices are going up while incomes are staying stagnant or going down. Why can't our government do the same thing?

Oh yeah... its not their money they are playing with. Its ours. And the more they take from us, the more they get. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to learn to live on less and less as we struggle to live up to our obligations and balance our household budgets. But that's ok... that $90-$100 I would save this summer is just a pander, so I really don't want it. Yeah Right.

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