Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flags over Faith?

Barack Obama's stance against wearing an American Flag lapel pin is pretty well known. It's not that he doesn't support America he says, but he doesn't want to use the flag for political gain or as a substitute for patriotism or the war. Symbols don't equate to actions, or so his theory goes, and it seems the flag means more than just wearing it on your lapel to make a statement.

So while he won't use the American Flag to advance his political career, he doesn't mind using the Cross, a symbol of Jesus and the Crucification to Christians. And that appalls me.

So basically, its ok to use Christ for political gain, but not the American flag? To all those people who gave Huckabee flack for the political ad with the supposed subliminal cross in the background... where are you now on this?

To me its pretty simple. Its ok to use the cross for political gain but not the flag if you are Barack Obama. Thus the cross is less important (or sacred) to Barack Obama than the flag, and we all know how little he likely feels about the flag (based on his wife's and pastor's comments). Just another example of political opportunism, hypocrisy and lies from Candidate Obama. So much for change.

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