Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ahmadinejad Furor Round-up

I'm still baffled, absolutely baffled by the decision to give this murderous thug a platform anywhere in our country. If ever there was a time and reason to protest, this is it. Here are some posts and reactions from people much more articulate than I.
"How can anybody have a logical argument with the left when they bark stupidity to those who don't believe in anthropogenic global warming, yet give a pass to a guy who doesn't believe the Holocaust ever happened? Oh yeah... you can't. I guess empirical evidence can only back your argument some of the time."


DR said...

Thank you very much for the mention.

DR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DR said...

Here is a link I think you will like

Will said...

Kudos to Bollinger (Columbia dean) for slamming Ahmadinejad in his opening remarks. On many levels I think Columbia did the right thing by inviting Ahmadinejad to speak and I support their decision, but I do think it highlights the many hypocrisies that plague academia. Anyone that happens to support the United States and the Bush administration is either refused a podium or jeered off stage (re: the Minute Man guy at Columbia, Coulter, McCain at the New School U. commencement, etc.). Everyone should be allowed to speak at universities, even nutbags like Ahmadinejad. That's what universities are for.

You cannot ignore the significance of Iran's role in global politics and for this reason I felt a university was the most appropriate venue for him to speak.