Wednesday, September 12, 2007

American Flags once again allowed in NC High School.

Sampson County, North Carolina is about as far as you can get from liberal San Fransisco, both in geography and ideology. In Sampson County you are more likely to find hog farms and tractors than leftists and coffee houses. That's why it surprised me when a story about a Sampson County High School preventing a student from wearing an American flag t-shirt made it to Drudge.

Apparently the school board in Sampson County was surprised too... because just a day after making national headlines, the School Board rescinded the flag ban and said they would be making all dress code decisions in the future.

Down South we might make mistakes, but at least we correct them real quick. Thank you Superintendent Dr. L. Stewart Hobbs, Jr and everyone who made sure the flag ban wouldn't last.

UPDATE - FREE T-SHIRT: If any students at Hobbton High School send me an e-mail before October 1st, I'll send you a free American Flag t-shirt from the American Elephant store. Conditions: 1. You must promise to send me a picture of yourself wearing the t-shirt in front of something distinguishable at the school (sign, stadium marquee, etc.) 2. You must proudly wear the shirt to school at least once. 3. You must actually be a student at Hobbton High School.

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