Friday, September 7, 2007

Illegal Immigration is not a crime?

Glenn Beck interviewed Rudy Giuliani today. I won't summarize much, because I encourage you to read the entire thing yourself. But at one point, Mayor Giuliani said that illegal immigration was not a crime, or more accurately it was a civil offense and not a criminal one.

Semantically, that might be correct. I'll let the lawyers decide that. But if it is not a criminal offense, it should be. If we can't deport or criminalize 12 million people who committed illegal acts, we should find a way. We have to stop illegal immigration now. A fence is not enough if you don't penalize the people who get through.

I wholeheartedly appreciate that people want to come into this country and take advantage of our many blessings as Americans, but you must do it the right way. But the right way is too tough, burdensome, or takes too long. Tough.

I don't say that lightly. Everything worth having is worth working towards. That is lesson more people in this country need to understand. Most of us will not win the PowerBall, we have to work hard for everything we have. There are few shortcuts in life. More people need to be taught that.

Want to be wealthy... you have to study, work hard, and take a little risk. Want to be skinny... you have to eat right and exercise more. Want to get a good job... then get a good education, study, watch, learn. Want to protect us from terrorists... it will take sacrifice and a long hard battle. Anything that is worthwhile is worth striving for and working towards. We seem to have forgotten that.

Ask a successful business owner about cutting corners and taking shortcuts. How many do you think will give you story after story of how shortcuts cost them more in the long run? Ask a home builder about cutting corners and using cheaper materials. How many do you think will tell you that it will lead to more problems down the road?

We need to stop excusing behavior in this country. We need to stop accepting something that is wrong because the desired outcome is right. I can't (and wouldn't) cheat my customers because I want to get ahead quicker. I can't steal from the bank because money is getting tight.

Life is hard work. Accomplishing goals takes effort and time. Those things that are worthwhile are worth fighting for.

You know, if more people understood that there would be less divorce in this country. When things start getting tough, people just want to quit or take a short cut. Its the same with fixing the tax code, fixing social security, fighting the war on terror... and yes its the same with immigration.

Those things that are worthwhile require time, effort, and sacrifice. If getting into this country is so worthwhile, why should it be any different? How does the value proposition change if everyone got to take shortcuts?

We can't excuse illegal behavior because we think the goal is right. What message does that send to our children? What message does that send to the world? If we excuse this illegal behavior, which one is next?


Melanie said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Americans don't seem to have a sense of personal responsibility anymore. It takes work and effort to build a life in this country, but folks just want to sit back, let it come to them, and then complain about it afterwards. We are a country of excess, and the illegal immigrants are flocking to us because they want a piece of the pie. But they should come to this country legally. Until our politicians make it tougher for illegals to cross the border, then I fear we're going to be having this same discussion in 5, 10 and 15 years down the road.

SR said...

This is one of the most destructive issues facing us today. I have never hidden the fact that I am of Hispanic (and Irish) descent. I also have Mexican family members. My family is here in America legally and has been for several generations. I have every right to comment on this and I firmly believe that this issue needs to be dealt with immediately, firmly and permanently. Because my family legally immigrated and assimilated into society I am now an asset to America. Force those who want to be here to do it in a controlled, legal and constructive process. Demand that legal immigration be reformed to allow those who want to be Americans and contribute to American society to do it more quickly and less expensively. That will be your magnet for those you truly want to be a part of our society.