Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Make no mistake, this is what we are fighting.

"As for our own fortune, it is not in this world," he said. "And we are not competing with you for this world, because it does not equal in Allah's eyes the wing of a mosquito." found here
What is it that Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and all of the other appeasers out there don't get? "[W]e are not competing with you for this world, because it does not equal in Allah's eyes the wing of a mosquito" says the terrorist as he sits in front of computer images of a burning World Trade Center.

I was going to keep silent today and not say much... if you were alive six years ago, the memory of that day provides more eloquence and substance than anything I could ever write. But after reading that line, my blood began to boil. What sickens me, is that my blood isn't boiling at the terrorists so much as it is boiling because so many people don't get it or just don't care.

How can you break the will of the beast that doesn't fear dying? Even cockroaches run when you try to squash them under foot. Yet these animals are trying to breed and indoctrinate a culture that has no fear of death, or pain because their false profit promises them joy in the after life. Religion of peace? Not by their interpretation.

They murder people for drawing cartoons. They blow up children on buses to seek revenge. They fly planes into buildings, for what?

Does Ron Paul really believe the "competition" that murderer was talking about was because we had troops in Saudi Arabia? Really? If that were true we'd have even more rationale for removing every last one of the terrorists from the face of the earth. If you are going to kill innocents because we had troops on your holy land protecting your brothers, then what vengeance do I get when your brothers strap bombs to their chests and murder innocents in Jerusalem? Its my holy land too... even Bin Laden repeated an eye for an eye.

You can not rationalize with evil. You can not will away hatred. You can not appease fundamentalist whack-jobs who believe their earthly purpose is to kill unbelievers. Imagine if Jesus taught us to kill anyone who didn't believe in salvation through Christ... do you think the left would explain our actions away? No. Yet somehow, these monsters are excused because their terror doesn't always hit our soil.

Well it did hit our soil six years ago and thousands of innocent lives were taken and even more families destroyed. And on that day, the rest of us should have woken up.

1 comment:

DR said...

It is obvious you have perfect clarity. Now if the rest of America could understand what you obviously do.