Thursday, January 3, 2008

And So It Begins... The Choice is Clear.

If you are a political junkie, your adrenaline has been ratcheted up a notch and you probably found a way to watch the news at your desk. If you are like me, you've recently moved away from your desk, because the tv mounted to the wall is too distracting. I can't exactly remove it, so I might as well remove me (or so the theory goes).

In a time where my industry is less than pleasant, politics generally provides a welcome diversion. Diversions don't pay the bills. So while I'll rant for a bit here, I can't exactly give up the day job.

And now that Iowa is upon us, I've finally made a choice. Not a bit too soon either (I should have made it some time ago honestly). Fred Thompson is my guy, no question. If you have been keeping score, I've been waffling between Fred and Mike Huckabee for months. As a Christian, when I look at America today I can't help but lean towards the Southern Baptist minister whose monologues remind me of one of those invigorating Sundays in church. When a fire & brimstone sermon is moving, challenging, and a bit funny... you know its a good afternoon. But once you get past Huckabee's Christian foundation, what's left? Sadly, something a bit too liberal to coincide with my Christian Conservative convictions.

You see, we agree on abortion and most social issues. But time and time again, Governor Huckabee walks a fine line between Christian Values and Liberal Propaganda. And on Meet the Press this weekend he seemed to want to placate and play politics a bit more than he wanted to stand fast in his beliefs. I found myself yelling at the TV... and while he didn't fully back down from his beliefs, he did seem to side step a bit. That's not what I want in my pastor and its not what I want in my President.

Only one man has been consistent on message and has said what needed to be said, politics be damned. Is it odd that the man who has proven to be true to his convictions is the actor and not the pastor in the race? To me that's very telling.

I like Governor Huckabee. And while I'd enjoy having a glass of sweet tea and discussing the news with him, he is not the consistent conservative voice that can lead us forward. That man is Fred Thompson.

Fred doesn't back down from a fight, doesn't placate voters or change his message based on his audience. Fred doesn't take cheap political shots by showing an attack ad that he's decided not to run. His accent doesn't change based on his audience and his policies don't change based on polls. Fred Thompson is the one man in the race who can take on the tough issues, cut the fat in Washington, and bring us into a better tomorrow while making us stronger in the process. From illegal immigration to taxes and national security, Fred has the most detailed and best conceived plans and he put them out in a time when everyone else just had platitudes and sound bytes.

Strong. Consistent. Conservative. The answer is clear. Fred Thompson is the best choice for America.

1 comment:

DR said...

It is great to see you have decided on Thompson. When we changed our support we knew we had made the right choice. Thompson has more detailed plans to restore America and his stands are truly conservative.