Tuesday, January 22, 2008

March for Life.

Seemingly lost among reports of a Fed rate cut, Fred Thompson's withdrawal and Heath Ledger's death was news of a march on Washington today. Michelle Malkin gets it right... had it been thousands of illegals or anti-war activists marching, I'm sure your cable news channel would have found time to talk about it. But the thousands marching were Pro-Life Activists... thus its utter silence from the MSM.

Today was the 35th Annual March for Life, where thousands of Pro-Life Activists took to the streets in Washington, DC to remind us of the travesty of Roe v. Wade. Its hard to believe its been 35 years. Its hard to fathom that this struggle has been going on since before I was born. Hopefully it will be a distant memory by the time I have children of my own.

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