Sunday, January 20, 2008

Has The Red Truck Been Parked?

I'm concerned. I just popped by and the Red Truck is gone from the front page. With the calls for donations not as pronounced on the front page, is the only worthy man in the race actually calling it quits? I hope not. I sincerely hope not.

If Fred decides to hang it up, then I fear all is lost and the Reagan Coalition that has been talked about so much in recent weeks is truly dead. There is no one left to carry the mantle for true Conservatives in 2008. No one left worth fighting for who will fight for us.

Its sad. If Fred is gone then the win goes to the media and the liberals. We've let them dictate what's relevant. We've let them decide what's important. We've let them control the debate and alter the original intent of our democracy. Friends, we have had one man in the race, Fred Thompson, who stands for what the framers stood for and if yesterday was his last stand than we have all let him and our country down.

With Duncan Hunter gone and now possibly Fred, the only people left are liberals verging on socialism, and liberals disguised as republicans. Either way, our country and its greatness are in peril. Never before have our ideals been challenged on so many fronts. From the war on terror, to socialized health care, to abortion, gun control, an overwhelming tax system, illegal immigration, an overbearing government, attacks on the institutions of family and marriage, the economy, and a collapsing federalist system... we are at a crossroads on multiple fronts.

Obama and the democrats are right... we do need change, but not the kind they are proposing. We don't need to continue to venture down the dismal path of socialist propaganda, populist policies, or government theft of wealth, loss of responsibility and hope. What we need is to return to the ideals of which our country was founded: limited government, self-determination, personal responsibility, local governance, the rule of law, and inalienable rights as given by God All Mighty. Unfortunately, if Fred is gone, there will be no one left in the race who believes any of that.

The remaining choice will be between wolves or wolves in sheep's clothing. Either way we've lost.

I pray today as I did yesterday and the day before... let a good man help take this country back in the direction it needs. Let us elect someone who can face our challenges on all fronts and bring us from the brink of societal collapse. Fred Thompson is the only man with the courage, character, consistency, and commitment to bring us there. I hate that we might have lost our chance.

Fred, please stay in the race. We need you.


Christopher said...

I wouldn't say that America is 'doomed' and such, that is just what the Demo's want you to think. Once you start worrying about the future you miss the here and now.

If Thompson does get out of the race, start putting pressure on another canidate that suits you, and contact the media telling them that you are unhappy with their coverage and agenda.

If Romney is somehow knocked out of the race I'll do just that, but I am hoping he'll pick Thompson for VP, that would do well in the general election.

I encourage your canidate Fred, but I didn't see that he had the fire in him last Dec, and Mitt was a man that has a good message. If Mccain is somehow the nominee, I'll voice my upset to the GOP and I'll constantly stay on him not to go Demo in office, but I think he'll be stomped in the election though. Mccain is just the generic republican middle of the road, Romney is strong on the economy and people are going to be voting with their wallets this year.

American Elephant said...


I'm not one to be swayed by democrats or liberal media. My thoughts are my own and prompted by my own experience.

I am a small business owner in my late twenties in a highly-regulated industry (the mortgage business), with a B.S. in Business and a minor in Computer Science from a top institution. While I can do many things, I can't figure out my taxes or escape the incredible burden of government bureaucracy and regulation/legislation for purely political motives. I have had to pay for a small group health plan and have had to figure out what I'm going to do without health care... yet I know without a shadow of a doubt that the answer is not socialized medicine. My wife and I earn a good living yet everytime we turn around more of our money is going to tax hikes for this or that and we can't seem to get ahead. I watch people everyday abuse the system, refuse to take personal responsibility, and take advantage of my tax dollars illegally (illegal aliens). I have family and friends who have and continue to serve our country overseas for a nation that is divided as to whether to support them or not. I watched the only plan to fix Social Security for me and my kids be derailed and corrupted by lies and lobbyists.

America is not doomed but we are certainly on the wrong path... a path which leads to oblivion and worse. I believe with all my heart that we are at a crossroads, we have to decide if we are going to be a free people or become a socialist nation. We have to decide if we are going to regain the mantle of self-determination and personal responsibility that makes a democracy work, or are we going to give in to government control, redistribution of wealth, and a societal empathy that can only lead to collapse.

I believe with all my heart that is what we are facing now. Its not what the media is telling us, or even what we hear in church... it is what my wife and I talk about at night as we struggle to figure out how we will get ahead, raise a family, and teach them values. Its the feeling we share of losing the daily battles while our government takes great control and rewards people for passing the buck, acting illegally, and being unethical.

McCain, Huckabee and Giuliani are more of the same. Romney probably too. The only man who has stood up for true conservatism in policy and not just sound bites is Fred Thompson. Anyone else will likely be more of the same.