Sunday, January 20, 2008

Familiar Territory.

Stevan Stevlic posted this today on

Here is another reason for Fred to stay in through the convention. In the election of 1860 the candidate that was fourth (fyi that’s worse than third) in delegate count became the nominee. He only won one state going into the convention, his own home state. He won at the convention because he was the only candidate that was acceptable to all the wings of the party. That candidate was Abraham Lincoln.

Granted Lincoln didn't have to deal with the MSM.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

The more I read blogs the less trustworthy that any grassroots still exist and it's all getting into a popularity contest now.

When Rudy actually gets into the race he'll fly the same 9/11 flag, McCain will talk jihad terror and Huck will be praying to god, typical stuff they've been doing all along.

Thompson should endorse Romney, and plan out to be VP. I think it would fit him well and not be a betrayal to his conservative because I see Romney just as conservative as Thompson, just in a different package and message. Romney has a good delivery when he speaks and Fred is Rock Solid on his views, I think they'd take America by storm with a good positive campaign.

One that the Clintons Machine will try hard to pull down. Seems like people are starting to voice their dislike in the Clinton hate message, and want something new. Obama will be a victim of them by shear numbers of voters, they can't beat him on message or background.

Mitt and Fred are both good men, I thnk they should work together.