Saturday, January 26, 2008

Damned If You Do...

Dick Morris proposes a theory that it has been the Clinton strategy to lose South Carolina in a big way to the Black Vote. The Clinton's believe it will cause the White Vote to show up in later states to make sure the nomination process isn't decided by one race. Or something like that.

I don't normally put a lot of credence in Dick Morris' comments, but this one caught my attention. And sadly, I think he's right. Its politically genius but sadly pathetic.

By losing, the Clintons win. And if Hillary won, the Clintons win. The only one who can't win is Obama, who it appears actually did win.

If Barack wins South Carolina then the Clintons and the media will perpetuate the idea that South Carolina is a black state. Its a blip on the national radar in that it doesn't symbolize all of America... but more importantly it is a message to White America... come out and vote or you will let Black Americans hijack the process and control who your nominee is. Its insidious and you'll never hear the Clintons themselves say it... but listen to their surrogates on the cable news circuit... pay attention to the subext. Its sad.

If Barack were to lose South Carolina then the wheels have come off the campaign. If he couldn't even win with a majority black vote in South Carolina then how could he win nationally? How can you create a coalition of people crossing races, parties, and religions, when you can't even convince your own to vote your way?

The Clintons have created a scenario where Hillary can't lose in South Carolina. No matter what the outcome, by making race such an issue, they believe Hillary will be propelled into Super Tuesday. And either way, from here on out, this is a battle between the races in the Democratic Party... or that's what the Clintons hope.

But it could back fire. I often believe Americans don't pay attention and are blind... but they are not stupid. Try to manipulate the process too much and eventually the fascade will crack and Americans will start to see through. Could that happen to the Clintons? Could democrats finally start to see the Clinton desire for power and their nasty politics the way Republicans have for years? Is it possible that red-faced Bill has gone too far? I certainly hope so.

I'm no fan of Barack Obama, but the old motto of Anyone But Clinton holds true. Its not the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy America has to worry about, its the insidious politics and self-interested desire for power of a man named Bill... and his wife too.


Christopher said...

Romney will defeat the Demo's.

let Clinton destroy the Liberals, they need to be reminded that it isn't about talk, it's about action, and I have never in my life seen a group of people that will do more talking about issues but not act on a word of it.

I have a big liberal family and I have cut off contact with them, I am sick of the two-face, they black-sheep labeled me when I joined the military last year.

Christopher said...

Did the Thompson vote go to Romney in Florida?
I'm not sure, I think McCain is gobbling up Republicans who are moderate (but describe themselves as Conservative) just in the hopes that he'll be able to beat the Demo's in November.
Super T. will be fun to watch but I am worried that people are too worried about poll numbers to even vote on issues, now that the front runners really have the same ideas on issues.
I actually think that McCain will pull out of Iraq just to gain favor with the Demo's and help pass amnesty and a government funded 100% healthcare. I don't have the feeling that he will stick with an Republicans and certainly not any Conservatives.