Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mike Huckabee Flips For Fred!

It is no secret that Governor Huckabee supports a federal smoking ban... or at least he did. He said so publicly this past August at an event with Lance Armstrong moderated by Chris Matthews. And he gleefully signed legislation in Arkansas banning smoking in indoor spaces. Just read this quote from 2007:
As a governor, I led our state to become the first state in the South to have a statewide ban on smoking anywhere indoors and I’m proud of that and it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to get done,” Huckabee said. “It was hard. And I’ll tell you something, Chris, it takes the personal involvement of the chief executive to make that happen,” he said.
Fred Thompson has been hitting Huckabee hard on this issue because it falls in stark contrast with his limited federal government ideals (i.e. Federalism). At best this is a state issue, the federal government has more important things to deal with than enacting or enforcing smoking bans.

And apparently Governor Huckabee now agrees. Taking a page out of John Kerry's book, Governor Huckabee has flip-flopped on this issue and now calls it an issue for individual states to decide. Like the rest of America, it sounds like Governor Huckabee is coming over to Fred's way of thinking.

I don't disagree that smoking is a health hazard, but I really don't want the Federal government or even the state government involved in any ban. Its not their place. Local governments have the right and the duty to pass laws the fit their township. If my city or county wants to ban smoking in restaurants or all public places, that's fine. Let's let the Federal Government worry about what the Federal Government should be worrying about... and that's not the Capitol's cafeteria menu... the Federal Government should be concerned with securing our sovereignty and protecting our God given rights. Anything else is an abuse of power.

I'm glad Governor Huckabee is now starting to see things our way. Congratulations on joining the rest of right-thinking Americans and Flipping For Fred!

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