Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Constitutional Ammendments Are Not The Answer.

Mike Huckabee has supported at least 3 different Constitutional Amendments during his campaign for the Presidency. He wants a Constitutional Amendment banning abortions, a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage, and lately a Constitutional Amendment denying citizenship to people who were born here if their parents are here illegally. He apparently also wants to change the 16th Amendment as its current form would prohibit his Fair Tax proposal.

Let me make clear that I agree that we should stop abortions and that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. I also think that our current tax code needs to be repealed and something like a flat tax or the Fair Tax ought to replace it.

But agreeing with the principles does not mean I agree with the idea of Constitutional Amendments whenever we see a societal ill that needs repair.

Our country was founded to be a group of independent states that were joined together by a common defense and a restrained federal government that was representative of each individual state to act on behalf of the whole. It was formed like a co-op of businesses who group together to gain greater bargaining power, improved trade ability, and increased protection from external forces.

As such, our Constitution was written to grant only a limited number of necessary powers to the federal government, retaining most of the powers and rights to each individual state. That is why our union is called the United States of America. Even in our name we proclaim the value and power of the individual state.

It is with that history and those principles of limited federal government in mind that while I support stopping abortion I reject the idea of proposing a Constitutional Amendment at this time to do so.

It is liberal idea to increase government powers and write new laws to regulate behavior. It is a liberal idea to legislate in order to prevent activity. It is a liberal mindset that thinks the answer to all ills is increased legislation and a reduction of state's powers and personal liberty.

Just because I agree with a principle doesn't mean I agree with the means. Suggesting Constitutional Amendments to correct every principle we hold dear will lead to an even stronger federal government and a weakening of states' rights. And what happens when our principles are in the minority? Once we have set a precedent to use Constitutional Amendments to correct everything we think is wrong... what happens when people we disagree with are in the majority and create their own Amendments to protect against us?

A true conservative does not suggest a Constitutional Amendment to solve every problem, because a true conservative is serious about limited government and reduced federal powers. No matter how bad Huckabee and others want to convince you otherwise, the term "conservative" means something, and a limited federal government is at its core. Its not lip service, and its not something that can be dismissed on a whim... limited government is the central ideal on how all issues should be addressed.

Its sad that Mike Huckabee himself and his surrogates have misrepresented Fred Thompson's view on abortion and same sex marriage because he holds to his conservative principles. Its even more sad the many people calling themselves conservatives didn't see right through it.

Fred Thompson wants to stop abortion, protect the traditional definition of marriage, secure our borders and fix our tax code. He just doesn't want to sacrifice his principles and our Constitution to do so.

Make no mistake, the liberal precedent of legislating every issue is what needs to be stopped. Just because we like the issue doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to the method. Anyone who doesn't consider that before suggesting changes to our laws or Constitution is no conservative.

Fred Thompson is the only conservative in the Presidential race tonight. I pray that statement holds true tomorrow. The others remaining are unacceptable on the premise of conservatism and unworthy of our nation's highest post. And if we lose candidate Fred Thompson tomorrow because of this money and media controlled process, than it is Conservatives and our Constitution that have truly lost.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Huck is for Big Government, the same as he was in Arkansas, it's been shown to America and he isn't going to win any nomination.

He's grasping for straws, anything. Those issues should be left up to the states and not for government to decide, I don't support the issues either, but the state citizens are going to have to decide what they want in their community or not.

Depending on Big Government is about as close as you can get to being a Liberal without running hand in hand with the Clintons.