Thursday, January 10, 2008

The FoxNews Focus Group

The FoxNews focus group tonight overwhelming thought Fred Thompson won the debate tonight. I agree, but that is about all we agree on. Then many of them went on to question Fred Thompson's consistency. What? Obviously these people haven't been paying attention. Hopefully they'll get a chance to see Senator Fred and the red truck in South Carolina and do a bit of research on their own. Fred Thompson's message and ideals have been consistent throughout his career. No one else on the stage can say that. Huckabee on Illegal Immigration? Giuliani on gun control? McCain on many things? Romney on everything? The only person who has a consistent record and whose policies are intellectually consistent is Fred Thompson. Period.

Electing the President is an important privilege of living in a democracy and we have a duty to make an informed decision. An informed decision. I hope this debate will prompt the focus group folks and many others to look into Fred's record, views, and his policies. When everyone was making sound bytes months ago, Fred had clear policies. Fred has experience, strength, courage, and character. And he is a true conservative. Can anyone else on the stage actually say that? No.

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