Saturday, January 19, 2008

Do People Still Listen to Clinton Lunacy?

It all started on the Today show when the Monica Lewinsky story was in full force. Hillary started bemoaning the Republican attack machines and "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". Paranoia, lunacy, or calculated fear mongering? I'm not sure if its one or all three, but its definitely the way the Clinton's approach politics. They manufacture stories that everyone is out to get them and hope playing the victim will win a few votes. Meanwhile they play dirty politics like no other.

The "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" remark wasn't the first of this ridiculous statements, but it is that conversation that made their paranoid brand of reflective attack politics apparent to the sane majority. Its continued to this day and has transcended from Bill's time in office to Hillary's current run for the White House. First we were all sexist if we couldn't support her... then she tries to take the high road and sheds a tear due to her unequaled concern for our country while her henchmen sling mud at anyone who stands in their way.

The latest example of this is Bill Clinton's cries of voter intimidation that he supposedly witnesses first hand. Yeah Right. If you honestly believe someone threatened a union worker within earshot of Bill Clinton and Chelsea, you are certifiably insane. There is no way someone is smart enough to change an employees shift to prevent them from voting the wrong way and dumb enough to make the threat in front of Bill. Please.

Of course Bill's whining doesn't stop there. He's actually crying about supposed ads that are encouraging republicans to vote for Obama in the primary even though they will likely vote republican in November. Funny, I don't remember Bill coming out complaining when Daily Kos encouraged dems to vote for Romney to screw with the Republican Primary in Michigan. In fact I've never heard this former President complain about anything that doesn't work to his advantage. Yet some union is not endorsing his wife, and the lawsuits and whining begin.

I wish the Clinton's would take their fake conspiracies and phony tears and retire to the lecture circuit and eventual obsolescence. Its time their paranoid attack machine stopped hindering America's democracy or greatness. In the words of your most famous attack machine... Move On.

1 comment:

Christopher said...

Clintons are not going away anytime soon, with promises to give anybody and everybody just what they want, it'll be hard to replace them with someone that will give people what they need, leadership and education skills to do the work themselves to earn what they want.

1st comes the education, teach people to be independant and earn what they have and it will happen. Demo's message of poverty and economic crisis fans the flames of fear. Her answer is vote me in and depend on government for what you need.

Success doesn't happen overnight but handouts do. Regan was said to have been for educating people on what they need to be concerned about, not they need to fear. Rough quote, not actual words. The point is that we need a leader not a another handout.

Romney will be that leader and we need to toughen up and make the choices that will be right for America for years to come, not the next year or month. Education is the key.